Get rid of Allergy problems. Take a Comprehensive Allergy Test today.

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Allergy Test

Discover Your
Allergies, Today.

Take Control of Your Health with Precision Allergy &
Food Intolerance Testing.
Recommended by Doctors

Call us for a Free Consultation,

Types of Allergens we test

See the complete list of various allergens that are in the panel

Food Allergens

Veg Food

Non-Veg Food Allergens

Non-Veg Food

Inhalant Allergens


Contact Allergens

Contact Allergy





Bank Employee

I have been having terrible problems on my skin for the last 6 years. Suddenly rashes will appear and itching will start. I met several doctors and used several medicines with no success. Recently I came to know about Proact Health care Lab and allergy tests. I gave it a try and it turned out to be an unexpected solution for my itching and rashes. When I got the report I was surprised to know that I have milk allergy. I never thought that milk can cause allergy. Immediately I stopped taking milk and my problems solved. I never had allergic attacks afterwards. Now I am taking my son for the test so that we will know what things he should avoid eating.

Allergy Test

My 8 years old son Firoz have been getting allergic attacks since he was six months old. We consulted many doctors and were afraid to give too much medicines as we know medicines have its side effects too. Recently I took him to Proact Healthcare Lab and took Allergy Tests. When we got the report I was shocked to know that Firoz has allergy from bananas and milk. Most of the time we were feeding him these only. I felt so bad. I immediately stopped giving him milk and bananas and his allergies have vanished. I am glad that the problem is solved.

Allergy Test

For years I have been suffering from allergy and have been under various medications. When I stop the medicine the itching and rashes will come back. I am a non-vegetarian and many people said I should stop eating meat. I tried that too, but with no success. I took allergy test at Preventive Care Lab  run by Proact Healthcare and when I got the report I was surprised to see that I am allergic to tomatoes and dal only. I immediately stopped these from my diet and in 1-2 days my allergy problems disappeared.
I am grateful that I could get such an irritating problem solved so easily.

25+ Years in Allergy Testing. Over 7 lakhs of patients benefitted from the tests so far.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

1.  What kind of test is this?
This is a blood test that will reveal the exact cause of your allergy.

2. How much time it takes?
It takes just 10-15 minutes to collect the blood sample.

3. How long it takes to get the result?
It takes 5-7 days to receive the test results.

4. How to I get the report?
The report is sent by WhatsApp.

5. Is fasting required?
No fasting is required for this test.

6. I am on allergy medication. Can I take the test?
There should be 12 hrs gap between the last medication and blood sample
collection. If you are on steroids a minimum 4-7 days gap should be there.

7.  Which is the best test for allergy? Skin testing or blood testing?
Skin tests are good if you want to test for a few items. Blood test is ideal for
large panels and it is not painful as well as quick.

8. What causes an allergic reaction?
Allergy reaction happens when the body resists a particular intake.
The test is done to identify those items.

9. How accurate is blood test.
Its accuracy is 90-95%. With serious allergy problems it's 100%.

10. Do I need a doctor’s prescription to take the test?
Doctor prescription not required to take the test?

11. Should I take a Comprehensive test or I can take a smaller panel?
For those with serious allergy problems we recommend a comprehensive test.

12. Do you have a Doctor for consulting?
We have Allergy Specialist for consulting over telephone.

13. After testing what medication I should take?
After testing you won’t need any medication. Simply avoiding the items
specified in the report will free you from allergy problems.

14. Why the test is expensive?
It is not a single blood test, we need to test over 180+ items to identify the
causes of your allergy.

15. Are the prices fixed.
Yes. The prices are uniform all over the country.

16. Can I pay with Google Pay?

17. Which cities are you operating?
We directly operate from Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kochi and Trivandrum. Other locations we operate through associated labs when requirement arises.

18. Is Allergy and Intolerance are the same?
No. While allergy is body’s response to things that it doesn’t accept, an intolerance is the body’s inability to digest an item properly.
Allergic reactions can occur almost immediately whereas an intolerance reaction can sometimes present itself up to 72 hours later. 

19. Can you do a particular item outside your panels?
No. We can do tests with the panels we have only.

20. Do you do Food Intolerance Tests.

Our facilities:

Proact Health Care | Allergy Test Lab
Proact Health Care | Allergy Test Lab
Proact Health Care | Allergy Test Lab
Proact Health Care | Allergy Test Lab
Proact Health Care | Allergy Test Lab
Proact Health Care | Allergy Test Lab
Proact Health Care | Allergy Test Lab
Proact Health Care | Allergy Test Lab


We are honoured to have some of the top celebrities as our customers, apart from Doctors, Businessmen and Senior Executives.
We strive to do our best to everyone and follow standard practices and customer support at the highest levels.

Proact Health Care | Allergy Test Customer

180+ tests with a Single Blood Specimen.

Allergies are much more than a minor inconvenience;
studies have shown that untreated allergies can contribute to a plethora of chronic illnesses including asthma, sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, ear infections and general susceptibility to illness.

Our Locations:

Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Kochi, Trivandrum

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